• Quick One
  • Quick One
  • Quick One
  • Quick One
  • Quick One
  • Quick One
  • Quick One + 3

Quick One

Lowryder #1 x Old School Indica

Si busques una varietat ràpida, les llavors de marihuana  auto   Quick   One  són el que necessites.  Fou una de les primeres varietats autoflorscents que es van desenvolupar. Quan es va presentar per primera vegada, era una de les varietats de creixement més ràpid del planeta.
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Llavors Quick One: un encreuament entre la Lowryder 1 i una índica de la vella escola

Els conreadors de Royal Queen Seeds s'han unit per a triar els ceps ascendents més apropiades per a aconseguir resultats ràpids. Es van decantar per la Lowryder 1, una varietat autoflorecent estable i de creixement ràpid. Després, van decidir afegir una mica de genètica índica a l'equació.

Després van creuar la auto amb la Old School Indica, una varietat relaxant que ofereix bones collites i grans sabors. Després de creuar aquests ceps i estabilitzar la descendència, van crear un cep consistentment ràpid i productiva.

Varietat de marihuana Quick One: una planta petita amb una collita extraordinària

Les llavors Quick One es converteixen en plantes amb una altura discreta de 50-60cm en interior i 60-100cm en exterior. Aquesta grandària reduïda fa que sigui perfecta per a plantacions d'interior clandestines, racons ocults al jardí i cultius de guerrilla en la naturalesa. Malgrat la seva grandària, pot produir collites molt satisfactòries. Malgrat la seva grandària, les plantes Quick One produeixen collites satisfactòries. En cultius d'interior pots aconseguir entorn de 275-325g/m², mentre que a l'aire lliure pots collir al voltant de 100-150g per planta.

Efecte, aroma i sabor de la varietat Quick One

Amb un nivell de THC del 13% , la Quick One proporciona una experiència subtil però realment agradable. És l'herba perfecta per a principiants conscients dels seus nivells de tolerància, així com per a consumidors veterans que busquen una varietat funcional per a fumar durant el dia. Prepara't per a un efecte suau que elimina càrrega al cos i aporta calma a la ment. Els seus terpens afruitats, cítrics i terrosos afegeixen un altre toc de frescor a l'experiència.

Quick One data sheet
Tipus de varietat: Auto Florents
THC: 13%
CBD: Baix
Collita en interior: 275 - 325 gr/m2
Collita en exterior: 100 - 150 gr/plant
Alçada en Interior: 50 - 60 cm
Alçada en exterior: 60 - 100 cm
Temps de Floració: 5 - 6 Setmanes
Mes de la collita: 8-9 setmanes després de germinar
Genètica: Lowryder 1 x Old School Indica
Tipus: Sativa 10% Indica 60% Ruderalis 30%
Efecte: Relaxació corporal
Clima: Estiu llargs
Aroma: Afruitat, Citric, Terrós

    De F. R. on 17/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Mr. Soil
    Comentaris : One of my quickest grows ever. Wasn't expecting much of the taste, but it actually blew me away. It's a great all-day-smoke as it doesn't get you as fucked up as 20%+ strains do. I had 2 phenotypes from 4 seeds, and a 100% germination, not bad. Both had a very strong pine smell in the grinder and a delicious taste after a 4-5 week cure. Will definitely buy this strain again. I would also recommend this strain to beginner growers as it can easily take overfeeding and stress.

    De E. O. on 17/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Top
    Comentaris : Easy

    De A. M. on 12/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Strong strain with good results
    Comentaris : This is a strong strain capable of growing in extreme conditions. I grew it indoor during the hot italian summer with temperatures easily around 32/35C, inside of a cabinet. This strain given little smell so perfect to be stealthy I grew it in these extreme conditions inside of a 70cm cabinet (consider it contains the pot and the light and the small carbon filter, so the plant was like 40/45cm with a little lst) it gave me 23g of product, not bad. Now I am growing 2 of these it in a proper grow tent (70x70 with 150W light) and the plants are 80 with a little LST on the top colas. The buds are decetly sized and I'm harvesting in 10 days. tldr: Good, solid, strong low-odour strain.

    De S. G. on 12/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Does what it says..
    Comentaris : These things shoot up! And a decent yield too!

    De R. T. on 10/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Quick One Auto
    Comentaris : Mein erster Balkongrow im Sommer. Bin kompletter Anfänger und hatte keine Probleme mit der Pflanze. Geschmack war ok, aber ich bin auch etwas eingeschränkt in meinen Möglichkeiten zum korrekten Trocknen. Werde sie wieder kaufen *thumbs up*

    De N. W. on 09/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Lieb
    Comentaris : Die beste Genetik um das growen zu lernen.

    De A. V. on 08/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : It's a fast one!
    Comentaris : Harvested them on the early side. ~70gr/p. Head high, when you toke a few seconds later you gonna feel it hit. For a low delta count, it packs a good head high. Catch yourself fading away in thoughts. Once cured the grind is good, smell is good, taste is good. It's a loud strain. If you got neighbours that don't like loud shit go to the park or smth. It won't give you the munchies but if you do snack on smth it will send you straight to sleep. It zones you out, if you have pain of anything bothering you mentally this will make you forget. It's a ruderalis and you can taste it, even though it has some indica en sativa roots you barely can taste it. It's sticky but won't clog the grinder, make sure you don't touch it if you are working in the office or smth. Has a nice oil ring on the tip of your joint, even with hemp....

    De F. B. on 08/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : Surprise!
    Comentaris : I came for the short growing time, but stayed for effect and taste. One seed in earth, 48h until germination, 69 days to harvest, 38g dried and cured buds. I only started one seed in the first run, to have a early reward, but the plant complete caught me off-guard. After 8 weeks in the jar the smell and taste is incredible lemon-like and the effekt is a wonderful relaxation, but without making me too drowsy in the beginning. You can use it for a firm and uninterupted sleep, but you can still decide to stay awake and do what needs to be done. Good Work, RQS! You created my favorite strain.

    De D. T. on 08/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : herr
    Comentaris : Angenehmes Lighthead Gefühl, knallt einen nicht weg!

    De N. F. on 02/Nov/2024 :

    Títol : wirklich nur 13%?
    Comentaris : alle Samen haben gekeimt. Es war ein problemloser Grow mit einem guten Ertrag. Der Geschmack muss sich erst noch beim entfalten, aber ist ok. Die Wirkung ist lang anhaltend und recht stark.

    De A. B. on 31/Oct/2024 :

    Títol : Quick one fastest seed
    Comentaris : its incredible how fast these seeds grows💪🏽🦍

    De M. R. on 22/Oct/2024 :

    Títol : M.R
    Comentaris : Habe mir die zum Anfang der Legalisierung gekauft, hatte aber erst einmal 3 andere Pflanzen. Nun habe ich die „QuickOne“ getestet und muss sagen, krass. Baue auf 120x 60 an mit einer Mars Hydro Fc-4000 EVO. und Biobizz Lightmix, dazu die Biobizz Dünger. Die 3 Pflanzen vom keimen bis zur Ernte 9 Wochen! Eine Pflanze brachte 220g. Nass. Das werden bestimmt die erlaubten 49,99g.

    De M. Z. on 21/Oct/2024 :

    Títol : GrowNoob
    Comentaris : Mein erster Grow. Alle Samen sind sofort gekeimt. Verzeiht viele Anfängerfehler. Wurde größer als erwartet mit 85-100 cm. Bersteinfarbene Trichome bereits in der 7. Woche. Erste Pflanze geerntet in Woche 8 /1/2 nach Keimung. Nassgewicht 150g. Super Pflanze und definitiv zu empfehlen.

    De Ü. S. on 16/Oct/2024 :

    Títol : Su
    Comentaris : Quick One zum ersten Mal angebaut, die Wirkung ist sehr angenehm, also ein sehr gutes high, duftet Zitronig, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

    De D. K. on 15/Oct/2024 :

    Títol : Big bud
    Comentaris : Super chut opravdu dobrý vynos mohu doporučit ❤️

    No pots publicar una opinió d'aquest producte si no l'has comprat
From Regular smoker | 2018-06-13 15:06:17

Can I plant these around July or am I too late?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can but it will not grow as much since the light will start to change and the vegetative stage will be shorter.

From Esker | 2018-06-07 08:40:30

Sono semi femminizzati? O c'è il richiamo che siano semi maschi

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that all of our seeds are feminized, including the autoflowering and the CBD seeds.

From | 2018-05-23 18:58:16

Hey! How do you recommand planting it? Should it be like, put in some wet cotton for a few days, or is it better to put the seeds in the ground directly? Thanks!

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Hey! please check out this article: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/content/45-germinating

From Das | 2018-05-17 13:36:01

Quanto deve essere grande il vaso?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can find all the details about this matter in the following article: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-types-of-containers-for-growing-weed-n445

From Miles | 2018-02-15 13:23:17

Would you be able to grow and harvest the plant in the UK outdoors with the tepretures we get over here.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You should be fine. Please check the below link for more information. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-top-5-autoflowering-strains-for-cold-climates-n469

From John Montgomery | 2018-02-05 12:49:57

Total time from germination please

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can check this information on each product data sheet, it should be around 8-9 weeks.

From Summer | 2018-01-30 10:45:13

Supposing I plant this seed in a warm climate around April outdoors, how long will it be before harvesting?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Between 8 and 10 weeks.

From Crash | 2017-11-10 22:38:50

La floraison commence après 5-6 semaines après la croissance ou la floraison dure 5-6 semaines?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The flowering stage lasts 5-6 weeks.

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eKomi silver seal
4.7 sobre 5
basat 39653 valoracions


Les llavors de cànnabis es poden distribuir lliurement dins de la UE d'acord amb el principi de reconeixement mutu. No obstant això, és responsabilitat teva informar-te de les lleis i regulacions locals abans de fer una comanda.